Mongoose VT904 Vehicle Tracker
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Where was it ?
History shows the route driven. Select 'play' and the screen shows the route taken.
Select any day - last 6 months history always maintained.
Got more than one vehicle ?
You logon with your own chosen username and password.
See all your vehicles at the same time.
Select individual vehicles to see more details.
Any other costs ?
Yes, possibly.............................
GPS trackers require a mobile SIM card to be inserted into the tracker, this enables the collected data to be sent to the website so it can be viewed by the user.
The Mongoose Range of Gps trackers usually use around 10Mb's of Data making PRE-PAID the most afforable way to manage these Trackers.
Typical SIM costs on PrePay range from $5.00 to $7.00 per month.
Sometimes the cost can be zero depending on your contracts with your mobile provider.
Otherwise a PrePay can be the least expensive but discuss options with your mobile provider.
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Mongoose 4G Mobile APP - FREE to download and use
History recording website - FREE to use - no download required
4G Network Sytem
Uses low cost data for location reporting
Uses text for warning alerts to your phone and tracker set-up
'Account' logon for multiple tracker users - see all trackers on one screen
Live track your vehicle(s) on your smart phone, tablet or PC
History playback (continuous 6 months)
Print/save travel reports from the website
2~3 hour battery back-up
Uses LBS (cell sites) for approximate location when no GPS available (an aid to Search & Rescue)
1 x Master User (full functionality)
2 x SOS phone numbers (receives alerts)
Unlimited viewers (you control who can see your tracker and have access)
Time adjustable for daylight saving
Engine Starter mortor immobiliser - optional with SP904 (Security Pack) fitment (starter motor only - see cautionary note below)
SOS-Siren Alert - optional with SP904 (Security Pack) press button or fitment to your siren of your security system
Geo-fence - sets permitted travel area - multiples can be set
Manual Arm/Disarm function for alerts
ALERTS FOR: Ignition - Shock - Geo-fence in/out - Speed - Move - Low power - Power disconnect - (and car alarm sounding if connected)
Small size: 80x38x17mm
9v~75v DC
Easy installation - only 3 wires ( + optional Immobiliser + optional SOS & Alarm Trigger )