Mobile phone boosters
Take care if you're thinking about buying or using a mobile booster or repeater — many of these devices can cause interference and dropped calls across the wider cellular network.
Why you might consider a booster
These days there's a general expectation that your mobile phone will work satisfactorily almost everywhere. If your home, workplace or vehicle has poor coverage, you may decide to search online for solutions, and find yourself at a website offering mobile boosters or repeaters to cure the problem.
If you're having coverage problems with your mobile service, check with your service provider for an approved solution.
What approval is needed, and why
Many mobile boosters or repeaters can cause interference and dropped calls across the wider cellular network.
Network operator approval is essential for the installation and operation of such equipment. If approval isn't given, the equipment is not authorised by the required licence.
If you:
use unlicensed equipment, you may be subject to infringement offence penalties and possible prosecution
cause interference, this may also result in a damages claim from the network operator.
Take care online
Overseas web sites — such as and — give the impression of being New Zealand sites, and suggest their products are approved for use in New Zealand by service providers such as Spark, Vodafone and 2degrees. This is not the case.
Careful study of the Conditions on these websites may find a disclaimer that reads something like: "Using this equipment may require a licence. It’s your own responsibility to check with the governmental authority having jurisdiction prior to use…" etc.
If you're having coverage problems, check with your service provider for one of the approved solutions.